Investment in Botswana

Compelling Reasons to Invest in Botswana

Botswana is one of the best performing economies of Africa. It does not have foreign exchange controls and is a low tax regime.

Botswana borders South Africa, a channel or conduit to do business with rest of Southern Africa.

Botswana is a regional hub in Southern Africa.

Botswana is a regional financial services centre.

Botswana Government supports export promotion.

Botswana has a tradition to welcome foreigners and foreign investment.

Botswana is politically a very stable country. Botswana’s investor friendliness and political stability attracts investors to live peacefully in Botswana.

Botswana Innovation Hub, power generation, transnational transport corridor network, tourism sector and consulting / professional services sector offer good opportunities to invest in Botswana.

Bio-technology, Energy and Environment, Information and Communication Technology and Mining Technologies are four sectors currently receiving greatest focus from Botswana Innovation Hub.

Food processing, Leather products manufacturing, Container glass and other silica related industries, Pharmaceuticals, Vegetable production using green houses and hydroponics, Dairy farming, Hatchery, Livestock production and feedlots, infrastructure development, development of commercial, industrial and hotel property – these sectors provide great investment opportunities in Botswana.